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Morning Dew


Morning Dew
Morning Dew

Gala Apple


Cherry Cordial

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La Paz
Herley Urquia
1575 MASL

Primarily known for producing commercial-grade Arabica coffee, Honduras has risen over the past 2 decades to produce some very high-quality specialty grade coffees, with many consisting of improved Arabica varieties like Lempira and Parainema. Honduras is the largest producer of coffee in Central America, and the 4th largest producer of coffee in the world, with coffee representing a full 1/3rd of the country’s agricultural GDP.

This micro lot, which we call ‘Morning Dew’ because of its bright acidity and prominent florality, was produced by Herley Urquia, one of the newest members of the Catracha producer group. Herley has been part of Catracha’s success for the past several years because he runs the dry mill, Villa Florida, where Catracha lots are prepared for export. In addition to having a firsthand understanding about the quality of Catracha lots, Herley also has a passion for planting new cultivars, experimenting with processing innovations, and willingness to share his experience with the Catracha producer group.

Mayra Orellana-Powell founded Catracha Coffee Company to connect her coffee growing community with roasters. Ten years later, Catracha Coffee works with more than 80 producers and 20 roasters working together on sustainable relationships and a profit-sharing model, which has consistently paid at least $2.00 per pound directly to producers. This extra income helps increase each producer’s capacity to reinvest in their farm, and over time increase their standard of living.

Grown at 1575 MASL and comprised primarily of the Icatu variety, Morning Dew is a fully washed coffee. This Icatu cultivar was first developed in Brazil for its combination of cup quality, high yield and disease resistance, and Herley planted this lot at La Rosita, a 30-acre farm in the community of La Florida de Marcala. We like the malic acidity we get up front, similar to a Gala apple, which complements the lavender florality and cherry chocolate sweetness on the finish. We hope you enjoy our second Honduran coffee as much as we do.



  • E65 Grinder Setting: 1.9
  • In: 19g
  • Out: 47g
  • Time: 34 seconds