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Fruit Punch


Raspberry Compote

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Santa Barbara
Jorge Misael Ochoa Ventura
1580 MASL
Parainema & Bourbon

There are a lot of things that excite us at Servant Coffee, but one of the things we get really excited about is the opportunity to bring you coffees from origins we’ve never sourced from before. New origins represent opportunities for new flavors and new relationships, or more often, an opportunity to develop an existing relationship into something deeper and more meaningful. This coffee is the product of friendships between people who love and live great coffee, and the conditions were right for this relationship to deepen into sourcing some lovely new coffees – from Honduras!

Honduras is the largest producer of coffee in Central America, and the 4th largest producer of coffee in the world, with coffee representing a full 1/3rd of the country’s agricultural GDP. Primarily known for producing commercial-grade Arabica coffee, the country has risen over the past 2 decades to produce some very high-quality specialty grade coffees, with many consisting of improved arabica varieties like Lempira and Parainema.

This lot, which we call ‘Ambrosia’ because of its vibrant but very balanced fruit-forward flavors, comes to us courtesy of Misael Ochoa and his farm, Mis Peñitas, located in the Santa Barbara department of Honduras’ western highlands. Over two decades ago, Misael immigrated to the United States to work and help support his family back home. Being so far away, he often reminisced about simpler times when he and his father would work together on coffee farms to earn money and dreamt of returning to Honduras to own his own coffee farm. In 2013, he was able to make that dream a reality and purchased Mis Peñitas. After a few years of producing coffee, in 2015 Misael started working with Exportadora San Vicente for guidance on improving his coffee quality, and a year later he prepared his first micro-lot of specialty coffee.

Grown at 1580 MASL and comprised primarily of the Parainema and Bourbon varieties, ‘Ambrosia’ is a honey processed coffee, meaning that it strikes a lovely middle ground between the intense fruitiness of natural coffees and the clarity and complexity of washed coffees. ‘Fruit punch’ was the only descriptor we thought really captured the medley of fruit flavors that greet you upfront, but we also found ourselves appreciating delicate floral undertones of elderflower and the deep sweetness and texture on the finish reminds us of a fresh raspberry compote.

In addition to our refreshed bag and label designs, you may have also noticed the ‘Impact Lot’ stamp on the new label. Be on the lookout for a blog post coming soon that goes a bit deeper into our sourcing philosophy and explains what we mean by ‘impact’.

We hope you enjoy our first Honduran coffee as much as we do. Cheers!